Contact & FAQ

Maybe you can find an answer to your question here in the FAQ. Otherwise, feel free to ask any question in the contact form below.


Do you ship worldwide?

Yes we do

What is the price for shipping?

The price for shipping depends on which country you live in and you will see the price when you fill in the form when you check out.

How long will it take to get my orders?

It depends on where you are. Orders processed will take anywhere from 5-16
business days to arrive. Delivery details will be provided in your confirmation email.

Do you sell the motifs in limited editions?

No. All the arts on this webshop are unlimited editions and therefore also we can keep the lower prices.

Do you sell every motif on both canvas and posters?

No, unfortunately, not all motifs are suitable for printing on canvas, but many motifs are available on every material. And all motifs we have are at least available on posters and framed posters.

Do you have any sustainability approach?

Our printed paper products and canvases are made from paper and wood from sustainably managed forests. And we also work with local print-on-demand partners in 32 countries, to reduce unnecessary transportation around the globe.

Contact me here

Detail of canvas

Detail image on one side of a canvas print.

See this product


Each painting has my signature in one of the lower corners. Placement of the signature varies depending on the motif and product.

Device for hanging

We've included a hanging kit, which may vary depending on the country of fulfillment.